Training Seminar 2 - Oxley Creek, Queensland

Session Information

Case Study Site: Development in South Brisbane, alongside Oxley Creek, QLD

Recorded on Wednesday 5 June 2019 | 3pm AEST


Site Background: The area around Oxley Creek are prone to flooding. According to Brisbane Long Term Infrastructure 2012 - 2031 plan, where the flood immunity of an area does not support development, the Brisbane City Council will aim to maximise the use of such spaces, with considerations of recreation, stormwater capture and retention. This opens up future master plans to consider non-traditional design typologies, including a range of water sensitive urban design options. The community vision is that “Oxley Creek will be transformed into a world-class green, lifestyle and leisure destination, befitting our New World City.” Learn more about the Master Plan on Brisbane City Council’s website.

Designing the Scenario We will evaluate 3 scenarios along Oxley Creek of South Brisbane, with the first being the baseline run of the case study area. Each scenario will add a new type of development based on the users’ input informed by potential water sensitive urban design uptake. They are listed below:

Create a new project in Brisbane, and select module: Land Surface Temperature, Water Balance and Catchment Runoff

You will create 2 scenarios in addition to the baseline

  • Scenario 1: Baseline (upload the boundary file)

  • Scenario 2: Business as Usual (Medium + High density building)

  • Scenario 3: WSC Interventions (choice by user)

Files to be used can be access here: Google Drive Folder (or email us for the files)

The team has translated policy documents to digital parameters based on inputs from local authority and experts. Users should read the documentation on each node to understand its effect and application (by accessing ‘Help’). Access to policy or existing documents can come from a range of sources, and for this case study we retrieved files from speaking with urban water practitioners with experience working in Brisbane and Queensland government.

Scenario 2: Business as usual (BAU) Parameter

Order of Workflow



Adaptation Node



Infrastructure Area

High Density

Medium Density


City block width: 76

City block depth: 200

Street offset: 2.75

City parcel depth: 40

City parcel height: 8

Building width: 16.5

Building length: 36

Building height: 25

Residential units: 10

Hardstand proportion: 0.6

Tree spacing: 15

City block width: 115

City block depth: 200

Street offset: 7.5

City parcel depth: 50

City parcel height: 30

Building width: 20

Building length: 45

Building height: 8.5

Residential units: 5

Hardstand proportion: 0.5

Tree spacing: 22

Intended output

Housing for density of 310 dwellings per ha

Housing for density of 33 dwellings per ha

Next Scenario: Water Sensitive City (WSC) Options

Create the WSC scenario on the Scenario 2 BAU layer, then choose one of the options below to test policy change in the catchment






Adaptation Node

Rainwater harvesting tank

Tree Pits

Green Roofs

Open Space Irrigation

Infrastructure Area

Case Study boundary

Case Study boundary

Case Study boundary

Open Space (new file)


rwht % intake: 100%

Fraction of trees with tree pits (%): 50

Surface storage: 100

Tree pit area: 15

Tree connected impervious area: 225

Removal rate in: 0.25

Fraction of green roofs: 0.5

Percentage of irrigated grass: 100%

Intended output

Apply to whole catchment, and adds rainwater harvesting tanks to single family homes in the boundary

Apply tree pit node to whole catchment, and it will calculate based on NEW generated trees created in Scenario 2+3, since the current underlying data does not include existing trees.

Apply green roofs to 50% of the catchment’s roof areas

Irrigation for all public parks


Your scenario results should reflect similar visual interpretations, and same land cover results.